Electrophysiology Systems
Bundled Configurations
Over the last 20 years, electrophysiology rigs have developed around several platforms. In all, the central concept is that manipulators and the sample are fixed in one frame, and the microscope is fixed in a second frame. These two separate frames of reference are then moved with respect to each other in order to locate cells. Sutter Instrument is now offering several systems, or "Big Kits", that include dual manipulators with: either manipulator stands and scope translator; or large moving stage and a dual manipulator system. By specifying and offering the Big Kit systems, Sutter is able to extend significant price savings over the same components purchased separately.
Sutter San Francisco... the classic moving scope design with manual translator and three columns and two manipulators. Developed by labs at UCSF and later adopted throughout the Bay area, the U.S., and the world. This method allows for easy hand access to controls on the scope and manipulators, for pipette exchange and other adjustments.
Sutter Alcatraz... another well proven design, relies on a manual scope translator but uses a single large fixed plate stage rather than separate stands for manipulators. Many electrophysiologists want the ability to add additional manipulators or other devices that a single large platform allows.
Both the San Francisco and the Alcatraz are available with a motorized or manual translator.
Sutter Long Island... intended specifically for multi-pipette electrophysiology on two-photon microscopes. Designed in conjunction with Northwestern University and first used for the CSHL Imaging course. The large moving stage can easily hold an in-vivo or slice preparation and two or more manipulators. The scope is allowed to be fixed to the table top, which is required for scopes attached to two-photon sources. This same design is also good for systems where the scope has become too large to move easily, as in spinning disc confocals and large camera systems. The stage and manipulator systems have been used on many two-photon and other scopes including those from Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Zeiss, Olympus and Leica. This configuration is also used by many researchers in custom built two-photon microscopes.
Software compatibility: Motorized translation and motorized stage systems are compatible with a wide range of commercial and freeware imaging software platforms including Intelligent Imaging Innovations' Slidebook, Scan Image, MicroManager and Sutter's MCS - MOM Computer System. Please contact Sutter for current listing of software suites that are compatible with our products.
- Discounted pricing offers savings and value
- Proven electrophysiology designs available through a single system configuration
- Each bundled system comes with 2 manipulators
- Easy toggle selection of active component
- Single ROE input device controls manipulators and motorized components providing ease of operation
- All features of manipulators, stages and translators are retained
- Systems with platforms include rotating bases for mounting manipulators
- Simple USB interface
Please see individual product pages for specifications
US Prices > Bundled Systems
International prices vary by country. Please contact your local distributor or Sutter Instrument for a quotation. Prices subject to change without notice.
Microscope Models - Please add scope suffix when ordering.
Z25 - Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS
Z45 - Zeiss Axio Examiner
N65 - Nikon FN1
L30 - Leica DMLFS
L35 - Leica DM6000FS
Y51 - Olympus BX51WI
Y51-FD - Olympus BX51WI (includes focus drive add $1,600 to price)
Y53 - Olympus BX53/63
MANUAL - MT-1000 with manual X-Y translator, micromanipulators
Includes 2 motorized micromanipulators, one MPC-200 controller, one ROE input device, the MT-500 manual X-Y translator, one MT-150 chamber column, two micromanipulator stands (without linear slide)
Catalog Number | Description | Price |
1000-325-(scope suffix) | MT-1000 with two MP-225 manipulators | $ 22,378 |
1000-385-(scope suffix) | MT-1000 with two MP-285 manipulators | $ 25,489 |
MOTORIZED - MT-2200 with motorized X-Y translator, micromanipulators
Includes 2 motorized micromanipulators, 2 MPC-200 controllers, one ROE input device, the MT-800 motorized X-Y translator, one MT-150 chamber column, two micromanipulator stands (without linear slide)
Catalog Number | Description | Price |
2200-325-(scope suffix) | MT-2200 with two MP-225 manipulators | $ 28,817 |
2200-385-(scope suffix) | MT-2200 with two MP-285 manipulators | $ 31,927 |
MANUAL - MT-1078 with manual X-Y translator, micromanipulators
Includes 2 motorized micromanipulators, one MPC-200 controller, one ROE input device, two rotating bases, the MT-500 manual X-Y translator, one MT-78-FS fixed stage platform and insert
Catalog Number | Description | Price |
1078-325-(scope suffix) 1 | MT-1078 with two MP-225 manipulators | $ 23,661 |
1078-385-(scope suffix) 1 | MT-1078 with two MP-285 manipulators | $ 26,770 |
MOTORIZED - MT-2278 with motorized X-Y translator, micromanipulators
Includes 2 motorized micromanipulators, 2 MPC-200 controllers, one ROE input device, two rotating bases, the MT-800 motorized X-Y translator, one MT-78-FS fixed stage platform and insert
Catalog Number | Description | Price |
2278-325-(scope suffix) 1 | MT-2278 with two MP-225 manipulators | $ 30,098 |
2278-385-(scope suffix) 1 | MT-2278 with two MP-285 manipulators | $ 33,209 |
1 Please specify stage insert type when ordering
MOTORIZED - MPC-78 and Manipulator Bundled Systems
Includes 2 motorized manipulators, 2 MPC-200 controllers, one ROE input device, two rotating bases, the large motorized stage platform and insert
Catalog Number | Description | Price |
78-325 | MPC-78 with MP-225 manipulators | $ 32,114 |
78-385 | MPC-78 with MP-285 manipulators | $ 34,019 |
1 Please specify stage insert type when ordering
Multi-Link Software for motorized systems
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